Rainbow 24 Grains Nutritional Drinks Bundle Deal

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Rainbow 24 Grains Nutritional Drinks Bundle Deal RM245

RAINBOW CHLOROPHYLL - Improve blood in the human body and help eliminate toxins. - Helps protect against sensitive conditions such as rhinitis, pollen sensitivity, and skin sensitivity. - Rich in anthocyanins, which helps to resist aging of the skin and various organs of the human body. - Protect collagen in the skin and lock the collagen to make skin smoother and younger.

RAINBOW BLACK FUNGUS - Control and lower cholesterol. - Control the concentration of blood sugar. - Rich in dietary fiber, protein, and iron. - Maintain cardiovascular health.

RAINBOW BEET ROOT - Rich in antioxidants, which can inhibit the formation of prostate cancer and breast cancer tumors. - Can prevent anemia, anti-tumor, prevent high blood pressure, and Alzheimer's disease. Rich in high-quality iron and vitamin B12. - Promote the healthy development of children's bones.

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Lovely Disabled Home Fundraising Package:

Rainbow 24 Grains

Increase nutrient supply: Simple brewing and managing to replenish the nutrients the body needs

Improve the immune system: Whole grains have a lot of dietary fiber and vitamins

Satisfaction: Nutrient-rich whole grains can make you feel full

Helps prevent obesity: Eating whole grains is not easy to overeating, which is beneficial for inhibiting the synthesis of fat

Each Rainbow 24 grains has a net weight of 800g

2 scoops of Rainbow 24 grains and 200ml water are needed for a meal to supplement the nutrients you need! 


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Rainbow 24 Grains Nutritional Drinks Bundle Deal

Rainbow 24 Grains Nutritional Drinks Bundle Deal

Rainbow 24 Grains Nutritional Drinks Bundle Deal RM245

RAINBOW CHLOROPHYLL - Improve blood in the human body and help eliminate toxins. - Helps protect against sensitive conditions such as rhinitis, pollen sensitivity, and skin sensitivity. - Rich in anthocyanins, which helps to resist aging of the skin and various organs of the human body. - Protect collagen in the skin and lock the collagen to make skin smoother and younger.

RAINBOW BLACK FUNGUS - Control and lower cholesterol. - Control the concentration of blood sugar. - Rich in dietary fiber, protein, and iron. - Maintain cardiovascular health.

RAINBOW BEET ROOT - Rich in antioxidants, which can inhibit the formation of prostate cancer and breast cancer tumors. - Can prevent anemia, anti-tumor, prevent high blood pressure, and Alzheimer's disease. Rich in high-quality iron and vitamin B12. - Promote the healthy development of children's bones.

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